

The epay gem gives you a convenient wrapper for the ePay payment gateway.


Just install the gem:

gem install epay

or add to your Gemfile:

gem 'epay' 


Require the epay gem in your code and set your merchant number:

require 'epay'
Epay.merchant_number = 88776655

If you’ve entered an API password in the ePay administration interface, set it as well:

Epay.password = 'my_pass'

If can set a default currency to avoid having to explicitly pass :currency argument on each authorization:

Epay.default_currency = :DKK


The gem gives you access to the Transaction model, which you can use to create and manipulate transactions.

Authorize a new transaction using card data

Use .create to authorize a new transaction:

@transaction = Epay::Transaction.create(
  :card_no => '3330333333333000',
  :exp_year => 14,
  :exp_month => 10,
  :cvc => '999',
  :amount => 150.0,
  :order_no => 'AWESOME-INC-12346',

Optional parameters :

  :description => 'My awesome transaction',
  :group => 'Awesome transactions',
  :cardholder => 'Jack Doe'
=> #<Epay::Transaction id: 1234, ...>

The transaction object gives you various details about the transaction:

=> true

=> 150.0

Find transaction

Use .find to look up a specific transaction:

@transaction = Epay::Transaction.find(1234567)
=> #<Epay::Transaction id: 1234567, ...>

Capture a transaction

Just call capture on the transaction:

=> true

=> true

Delete transaction

Use delete to delete a transaction:

=> true

=> true

Credit a transaction

Use credit to credit a captured transaction. If no amount if given the full transaction amount is credited:
=> true

=> 10.0

Credit the remaining part of transaction:
=> true